by Kristian | Apr 23, 2020 | Television
Almost two months ago the latest season of Doctor Who ended with a tenth episode that rocked the Who-verse. The series finale of the Doctor’s twelfth series saw a change in the status quo for the show the likes of which it hadn’t seen since, well, The...
by Kristian | Jul 15, 2019 | Comics, Television
In 1940 Will Eisner debuted his iconic newspaper strip The Spirit in newspapers across the country. During the course of its run, The Spirit helped create the language of sequential art and influenced generations of cartoonists and comic book artists. Despite the...
by Kristian | Jan 24, 2019 | Television, Uncategorized
The Part-Time Fanboy Podcast is back! We’ve been gone for a while. The PTF crew took some time off for the Holidays and then a certain member of the crew got the flu, had a podcast audio file crash on him, and had lots of other crazy happenings occur that helped...
by Kristian | Oct 11, 2018 | Television
It’s a two podcast week here at Part-Time Fanboy! Why, you ask??? Because the new season of Doctor Who just started up and for the first time ever there is a female Doctor in residence! To celebrate this momentous occasion Part-Time Fanboy Whovian scholar Barry Negrin...
by Kristian | Sep 26, 2018 | Television
Almost forty years ago The Doctor was felled by an enemy greater than any he’d faced before. During the tail end of the 1979-1980 season, production was shut down during the filming of the finale of the series due to a labor strike. Shada was a Doctor Who serial...
by Kristian | Jul 18, 2018 | Comics, Television
Thirty six years ago in the pages of Peter Parker, Spectacular Spider-Man # 64 a pair of super-powered crimefighters appeared unlike anything that comicdom had seen come before! Cloak and Dagger (created by Bill Mantlo and Ed Hannigan) were two runaways who were...