Part-Time Fanboy Podcast: Ep 84 The Pirate Planet!

It’s that time again! Time to revisit the adventures of everyone’s favorite interstellar otherworldly explorer! Kristian sits down again with Part-Time Fanboy’s resident Doctor Who expert Barry Negrin to discuss the second chapter of The Key to Time: The Pirate...

Quantum and Woody # 1 Review!

QUANTUM AND WOODY # 1 Written by: James Asmus Illustrated by: Tom Fowler Colored by: Jordie Bellaire Lettered by: Dave Lanphear Edited by: Jody leheup Published by: Valiant Comics Reviewed by: Kristian Horn Much like the rest of the original Valiant Universe, Quantum...

Part-Time Fanboy Podcast: Ep 53 Z is for Zombie!

World War Z opened this past weekend! Did the Part-Time Fanboy crew think that Brad Pitt’s adaptation was worthy of its source material? Or did Pitt’s attempt at a franchise end up more like World War ZZZZZZZZZZZ? Paul, Ian, and Kristian sit down to...

Gone Fishing!

The Part-Time Fanboy crew is taking a little well-deserved vacation! We’ll be gone for about a week or so! Hope all of you are enjoying the beginnings of summer and we hope to have more great podcasts lined up for you when we return! Part-Time Fanboy. Not New....