episode160-medA couple of years ago, Kristian received an email containing a link for a comic to review. Taking a chance, he decided to read it and discovered one of the funniest and best illustrated superhero comics he’d ever read. Super! is a comic created by writer Justin Piatt and artist Zack Dolan that combines some of the best elements of the “Bwahaha” era of the Justice League and with indie style super heroics. Now, the creators of Super! have returned to the comics world with a Kickstarter to fund their sixth issue. Kristian sits down with the writer and co-creator of Super! to find out why there’s been such a delay between issue five and six and what the future holds in store for one of the funniest superhero books on the market today!

To see Kristian’s original interview with the creators of Super! click here.

Part-Time Fanboy. Full-Time obsession on a Part-Time schedule.