SPOILERS! Last week Warner Bros. Animation and DC Comics released the latest in their series of direct to video superhero cartoons to the public. Batman: Ninja tells the tale of a Batman tossed back in time into feudal Japan where he has to face his iconic rogues’ gallery of villains as they have taken over different areas of the country and set themselves up as shogun warlords. Batman: Ninja is the most unique animated project that DC has done in a long time in that it takes all of Batman’s trappings, sticks them into a blender along with classic anime tropes, and creates something utterly unlike anything seen before in the Batman mythos. This week, Kristian sits down with regular Part-Time Fanboy contributor and Batman fan Ian Scheller as they discuss this newest Batman experiment. Many Bat-fans on the internet seem to hate this Japanese take on Batman. Kristian and Ian discuss why they think comic fans might revolt against Batman: Ninja and what they see in it that other Bat devotees might be missing.

Part-Time Fanboy. Full-Time Obsession on a Part-Time schedule.