Runners is an indie comic series created by writer/artist Sean Wang. Years ago, in the days before Star Wars prequels, Sean began crafting his own space opera that was influenced by, well, Star Wars as well as Star Trek. He ended up creating a series called Runners which took all of the best elements of the aforementioned properties and ran them through an intergalactic blender. The result ended up being two graphic novels, Bad Goods and The Big Snow Job. Both books were universally praised and fans waited with anticipation for the next chapter. Unfortunately, Mr. Wang ended up getting sidetracked and no third volume of Runners was ever produced.

Now Sean has returned his attention to his terrific space fantasy and has epic plans for his series full of star faring smugglers! The kickoff to the return of the Runners begins with a new Kickstarter campaign to colorize the first book of Runners, Bad Goods! Then Mr. Wang has plans for eight more books to finish off the series! This week Kristian sits down once again with Sean (you can read Kristian’s first interview with Sean by clicking here) to discuss the return of his creator owned comic and what his plans are for the future of his own cosmic franchise!

Part-Time Fanboy. Full-Time Obsession on a Part-Time schedule.