Newton Lilavois probably has the most mellifluous name in comics. He also happens to be the creator of one of the best looking comics on Kickstarter (or anywhere) right now. Crescent City Monsters is a comic that any publisher would be proud to have in its stable of books. Along with artist Gian Carlo Bernal, Lilavois has put together a comic that dives into the realms of mysticism and horror which packs a powerful artistic and narrartive punch. This week, as the Kickstarter for the collected volume of Crescent City Monsters draws to a successful close, Kristian interviews the writer/creator of a book which took Kristian’s breath away. How did Lilavois, who wasn’t much a fan of horror or mysticism, end up creating one of the best comics in both genres? Find out on this episode of Part-Time Fanboy!

Part-Time Fanboy. Full-Time obsession on a Part-Time schedule.