Back in August one of the most audacious horror television shows ever created debuted on HBO. Lovecraft Country (based on the book by Matt Ruff) was a show that tackled the horrors of racism in the United States while using elements of Lovecraftian fiction to create one of the most powerful narratives on race to debut on television in a long, long time. Produced by industry heavyweights Jordan Peele and J. J. Abrams and created by Misha Green, Lovecraft Country dove onto the third rail of racism in the United States, wrapped it up in fantastical horror elements, and presented it for all to see in a powerful, horrifying, and engaging story that pulled no punches when it discussed the realities of being a person of color in America. This week Kristian sits down to finally chat about Lovecraft Country with Reyna Velarde and Paul Edwards as they marvel over how a show using the name and concepts from a racist author can flip the script and create something that makes the audience face the uncomfortable realities of what racism has wrought in this country.

Part-Time Fanboy. Full-Time obsession on a Part-Time schedule.