Part-Time Fanboy Podcast: Ep 259 Red X-Mas Returns!

Part-Time Fanboy Podcast: Ep 259 Red X-Mas Returns!

Red X-Mas is an irreverent holiday themed comic published by Fried Comics. In Red X-Mas, a freak sleigh accident ends up taking Mrs. Claus’s life right before St. Nick is about to take off on his annual gift giving spree. As a result, Santa finds himself going...
The Part-Time Fanboy Christmas Card!

The Part-Time Fanboy Christmas Card!

Just taking a bit of time to wish everyone out there the happiest of Holidays. Thank you for listening, thank you for reading, thank you for participating. 2014 was a decent year and I’m hoping 2015 is even better! All the best to everyone out there!

Takin’ off for the Holidays!

We’re taking the next couple of weeks off for the holidays! We’ll be back in early January with more podcasts and more reviews! Until then we all hope you have a great time during the holiday season and we wish you all a prosperous and peaceful 2013!...