by Kristian | May 29, 2018 | Artwork, Comics, Interviews
Evan Dorkin is a cartoonist known mostly for his independent comic book work in Milk and Cheese, Dork!, and The Eltingville Club. In the past several years, due to injuries to his hand from sitting at the drawing table for hours on end, Mr. Dorkin has been...
by Kristian | Aug 19, 2015 | Comics
This week Kristian was invited to return to his Ain’t It Cool Comics roots as Mark L. Miller (Ambush Bug) and Robert Patey (Optimus Douche) invited him to sit in on their weekly comic book review podcast! Mark, Robert, and Kristian chatted about last...
by Kristian | Nov 20, 2012 | Comics, Television
Kristian is putting most of his comics in storage! Ian joins Kristian as they go through some of his old trade paperbacks in his garage and Kristian gives Ian his first copy of Give me Liberty! Things eventually turn to talk of The Walking Dead comic and TV show and...
by Kristian | Mar 5, 2012 | Comics, Movies, Reviews
Holy Cow! We actually got another episode up! Two weeks in a row! Wow! This week Ian’s out of town so Kristian and Mark are left to freak out over the new Avengers trailer, discuss Joss Whedon’s current comic book properties, muse about how Daniel...