by Kristian | Aug 26, 2013 | Comics, Movies
The internet went batty last week when the news broke that none other than Ben Affleck had been cast as Batman in the next Zack Snyder superhero epic! The Part-Time Fanboy crew have an emergency sit down to discuss the casting that sent the nerd world reeling! What...
by Kristian Horn | Nov 16, 2011 | Artwork, Comics
So I was looking through the Ain’t It Cool Comics reviews today and I just happened to look over Optimus Douche’s (Hey, that’s what the dude calls himself, okay?) review of the new Justice League # 3. I really don’t agree with much of what his review says but, hey,...
by Kristian | Sep 2, 2011 | Comics, Reviews
So I managed to get my hands on a copy of the new Justice league # 1 last night and I had some thoughts about it I figured I’d share. The first being that I’m astounded that DC charged $3.99 for this? Really? Don’t worry about me, I didn’t pay full price…but still. DC...