Part-Time Fanboy Podcast: Ep 61 Bat-Affleck!

The internet went batty last week when the news broke that none other than Ben Affleck had been cast as Batman in the next Zack Snyder superhero epic! The Part-Time Fanboy crew have an emergency sit down to discuss the casting that sent the nerd world reeling! What...

Justice League # 3 vs Legends # 6

So I was looking through the Ain’t It Cool Comics reviews today and I just happened to look over Optimus Douche’s (Hey, that’s what the dude calls himself, okay?) review of the new Justice League # 3. I really don’t agree with much of what his review says but, hey,...

Thoughts on Justice Lame # 1

So I managed to get my hands on a copy of the new Justice league # 1 last night and I had some thoughts about it I figured I’d share. The first being that I’m astounded that DC charged $3.99 for this? Really? Don’t worry about me, I didn’t pay full price…but still. DC...