Part-Time Fanboy picks of the Week for October 22, 2014!

Part-Time Fanboy picks of the Week for October 22, 2014!

Welcome to the Part-Time Fanboy picks of the week for October 22, 2014! Each week some of the crew at PTF will pick their most anticipated books for that Wednesday’s releases based on their own individual tastes. Hopefully this list will help give you, the...

The Delinquents # 1 Review!

The Delinquents # 1 Written by: James Asmus and Fred Van Lente Art by: Kano Published by: Valiant Entertainment Reviewed by: Kristian Horn In comic shops on August 20, 2014! Last week I gave a Valiant comic book a bit of a bad review. I felt a bit bad about doing that...

Quantum and Woody # 1 Review!

QUANTUM AND WOODY # 1 Written by: James Asmus Illustrated by: Tom Fowler Colored by: Jordie Bellaire Lettered by: Dave Lanphear Edited by: Jody leheup Published by: Valiant Comics Reviewed by: Kristian Horn Much like the rest of the original Valiant Universe, Quantum...