Spandex Special # 1 Review!

Spandex Special # 1 Written, Illustrated and Published by: Martin Eden Reviewed by: Kristian Horn You know, sometimes when you get a good comic…you kind of have to sit with it a bit…think about it…mull it over. Several months ago Martin Eden sent me a copy of his...

Spandex Issue # 7 Review!

SPANDEX # 7 Written, Illustrated and Published by: Martin Eden Reviewed by: Kristian Horn It really sucks when a comic you love comes to an end and I have loved Spandex ever since I laid eyes on it. As proof of my adoration of Spandex you can click here and see my...

Part-Time Fanboy Podcast: Episode 12!

We’re baaaaaaaack!!! And we’re gay! Well…no we’re not….but we do get to conversing about all the big gay stuff happening in comics right now! Kristian stumbles around trying to explain Alan Scott. We talk a bit about Milestone Comics. The...