by Kristian | Sep 14, 2022 | Comics, Horror, Interviews
Dalton K. Shannon is a writer who has a deep love for the Universal Studios horror monsters of old. When it came time to create his own comic he decided it had to be based on one of the beasties from the old black and white creature features. Teaming with co-writer...
by Kristian | Aug 31, 2022 | Comics, Horror, Interviews
Everyone knows the old horror movie trope of the Final Girl who is the last person standing after a diseased maniac or chilling monster has taken out everyone else in the story. It’s an archetype that’s been around horror storytelling even longer than the...
by Kristian | Aug 10, 2022 | Comics, Horror, Interviews
Amputation Capital is a comic currently crowdfunding on Kickstarter. Published by TPub Comics, Amputation Capital posits a world in which celebrities and influencers sell off their body parts in order to hang onto what little fame they have once the shine of the...
by Kristian | Aug 3, 2022 | Horror, Movies
In 1981 director David Cronenberg released a movie that blew the minds of moviegoers everywhere. Scanners tells the tale of a group of humans who have horrifying psychic powers. In the film there are two factions of individuals, one lead by Dr. Paul Ruth (Patrick...
by Kristian | Jul 27, 2022 | Horror, Movies
Spoilers! Nope is here! This past weekend saw the release of Jordan Peele’s latest horror/thriller Nope! Fans of Peele’s previous movies, Get Out and Us, have been waiting with baited breath for his latest film…especially since the release of...
by Kristian | Jun 1, 2022 | Comics, Horror, Interviews
Phil Mucci is a film maker and comic creator who has a deep affection for Italian movies from the late sixties and early seventies. He’s such a fan, he named his his production company, Diabolik Films, after the cult classic action thriller Danger: Diabolik!...