by Kristian | May 1, 2019 | Comics, Movies, Uncategorized
It’s the Avengers: Endgame episode! It’s standing room only in the Part-Time Fanboy Clubhouse as Paul Edwards, Reyna Velarde, Corey Blake, Yvis Cannavale, and Josh Ripley join Kristian to chat about the biggest film event of the year! ‘Nuff said!...
by Kristian | Apr 3, 2019 | Comics, Uncategorized
Kristian is home from a wonderful trip to WonderCon! While at the convention he was finally able to get the opportunity to interview someone from one of his favorite comic publishers, Valiant Comics! Yes, it’s happening people! A Valiant Comics interview! Emily...
by Kristian | Mar 26, 2019 | Comics, Uncategorized
Last year the comic Baby Badass debuted through Action Lab Danger Zone and became an indie comic cult hit almost immediately. Last week co-creator David Schrader and writer of Baby Badass began a Kickstarter to fund the second chapter in the Baby Badass saga known as...
by Kristian | Mar 6, 2019 | Comics, Uncategorized
Every once in a while, a creator comes up with an idea that makes other creators green with envy and makes them think, “Why didn’t I think of that?” When David Pepose thought up the concept of taking Calvin and Hobbes and dipping it into the morally murky world of Sin...
by Kristian | Feb 27, 2019 | Uncategorized
In 1990 Manga creator Yukito Kishiro began the publication of his epic cyberpunk adventure series, Gunnm. Known as Battle Angel Alita in its English translation, the series would become an underground favorite in the nineties among American comic fans who would be...
by Kristian | Jan 24, 2019 | Television, Uncategorized
The Part-Time Fanboy Podcast is back! We’ve been gone for a while. The PTF crew took some time off for the Holidays and then a certain member of the crew got the flu, had a podcast audio file crash on him, and had lots of other crazy happenings occur that helped...