Forty years ago the classic pulp fantasy hero created by Robert E. Howard was brought to movie theaters by director John Milius. Starring an unknown musclebound newcomer by the name of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Conan the Barbarian was a box office success which launched the Austrian bodybuilder’s mainstream movie career eventually making him a household name. To celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the film’s release, Fathom Events hosted screenings of the movie nationwide in mid-December. This week, Kristian sits down with PTF regular Yvis Cannavale, and Dalton K. Shannon (co-creator of the indie comic Frankenstein the Unconquered) to chat about the movie that finally brought the Crom worshipping Cimmerian to the silver screen. Dalton had never seen the movie despite his love for the Robert E. Howard stories. Can the cinematic adaptation of Conan live up to the expectations of someone who only knows him from the books? Does the movie still hold up on the big screen for fans who have loved the movie since its initial release? Find out on this special holiday episode of Part-Time Fanboy!

Part-Time Fanboy. Full-Time obsession on a Part-Time schedule.