by Kristian | Jan 13, 2021 | Uncategorized
David Pepose is one of comicdom’s most prolific indie creators. Last year he took Kickstarter by storm with his fantastic Wizard of Oz mashup The O.Z. He’s had success with titles such as Spencer and Locke and Going to the Chapel from Action Lab Comics....
by Kristian | Aug 17, 2020 | Comics
David Pepose is a writer whose career took off with the publication of his first comic series Spencer and Locke which imagined a scenario in which Calvin and Hobbes like characters had been raised in a Sin City-like environment. Since then he’s released a second...
by Kristian | Aug 14, 2019 | Comics, Interviews
David Pepose is a writer who took the indie world by storm with his fantastically well received indie series Spencer and Locke. The trade collection of Spencer and Locke 2 comes out today in comic shops and was just as big a hit as the first series! This week on...