by Kristian | Nov 9, 2022 | Comics, Interviews
Jessica Maison is a writer of comic books, screenplays, and books! She’s been on the podcast before to chat about one of her previous projects and now she’s back to talk about her latest comic, Mary Shelley’s School for Monsters…which is now...
by Kristian | Oct 26, 2022 | Comics, Interviews
Matthew Blair is writer with a deep passion for the history of Ancient Rome. He’s taken that passion and crafted an incredibly unique and powerful graphic novel called Romanis Magicae which delves into the struggle of opposing forces within the Roman Empire....
by Kristian | Oct 12, 2022 | Comics, Interviews
Gabe Cheng is back on the podcast! Gabe Cheng is a comic book creator who has previously published books like For Molly, its spinoff Into the Wilderness, and the fun sci-fi one shot The Problem With Parallels! Recently, Gabe went back to the Kickstarter well to fund...
by Kristian | Oct 5, 2022 | Comics, Horror, Interviews
It’s a two podcast week! Why? Because Kickstarter season is in full effect! You though Fall was just about changing leaves and horror movies? Nope! This week Part-Time Fanboy chats with comic book writer Robert Multari about the crowdfunding campaign for his...
by Kristian | Sep 28, 2022 | Comics, Interviews
Charlie Stickney is one of the more successful crowdfunding creators on Kickstarter. With titles like White Ash, Glarien, The Game, and How I Slept My Way Through College and Other Tales of My Freshman Year Charlie has captured the imaginations of comic book fans who...