Part-Time Fanboy Podcast: Ep 249 Doctor Who-Shada!

Part-Time Fanboy Podcast: Ep 249 Doctor Who-Shada!

Almost forty years ago The Doctor was felled by an enemy greater than any he’d faced before. During the tail end of the 1979-1980 season, production was shut down during the filming of the finale of the series due to a labor strike. Shada was a Doctor Who serial...

Part-Time Fanboy Podcast: Ep 91 The Stones of Blood!

Barry Negrin has returned! You know what that means Whovians? That means it’s time to chat about Doctor Who! Kristian sits down with Part-Time Fanboy’s resident Doctor Who expert to talk about the next segment in the classic Key to Time series: The Stones of Blood!...

Part-Time Fanboy Podcast: Ep 84 The Pirate Planet!

It’s that time again! Time to revisit the adventures of everyone’s favorite interstellar otherworldly explorer! Kristian sits down again with Part-Time Fanboy’s resident Doctor Who expert Barry Negrin to discuss the second chapter of The Key to Time: The Pirate...