by Kristian | Aug 19, 2015 | Comics
This week Kristian was invited to return to his Ain’t It Cool Comics roots as Mark L. Miller (Ambush Bug) and Robert Patey (Optimus Douche) invited him to sit in on their weekly comic book review podcast! Mark, Robert, and Kristian chatted about last...
by Kristian | Oct 1, 2014 | Comics
Mark L. Miller is an indie comic book writer whose credits include the octogenarian vampire tale with a heart Nanny and Hank and a gender bending version of the Jungle Book from Zenescope Entertainment. His current release, Pirouette, from up and coming publisher...
by Kristian Horn | Nov 3, 2011 | Comics, Reviews
Got a new review up this week for Buddy Scalera’s COMIC AND FANTASY ARTISTS’S PHOTO REFERENCE: COLOSSAL COLLECTION OF ACTION POSES. This is a great book. It’s got about a bajillion photographs of life models in poses that should be very helpful for any artist...
by Kristian Horn | Oct 19, 2011 | Artwork, Comics
So no new reviews from me this week but I did have one from last week which I forgot to post about. It’s for the book TAXIDERMIED: THE ART OF ROMAN DIRGE. Roman Dirge is the creator behind the indie comic sensation Lenore, which I’ve never read. But I have...