Comics for Halloween: Outcast!

Comics for Halloween: Outcast!

Outcast: Volume 1- A Darkness Surrounds Him Written by: Robert Kirkman Illustrated by: Paul Azaceta Colored by: Elizabeth Breitweizer Published by: Image Comics Reviewed by: Kristian Horn Robert Kirkman has pretty much conquered the media landscape within the last...

Part-Time Fanboy Picks of the Week for August 6, 2014!

Welcome to the Part-Time Fanboy picks of the week for August 6, 2014! Each week some of the crew at PTF will pick their most anticipated books for that Wednesday’s releases based on their own individual tastes. Hopefully this list will help give you, the...

Part-Time Fanboy Podcast: Ep 74 Image Exposure!

Image Comics had its third annual Image Expo this past weekend! While none of the Part-Time Fanboy crew could make it to the bay area for the event we decided to sit down and have a chat about Image Comics anyway! Corey, Don, Paul and Kristian have a discussion about...