Part-Time Fanboy Podcast: Ep 74 Image Exposure!

Image Comics had its third annual Image Expo this past weekend! While none of the Part-Time Fanboy crew could make it to the bay area for the event we decided to sit down and have a chat about Image Comics anyway! Corey, Don, Paul and Kristian have a discussion about...

Part-Time Fanboy Podcast: Episode 5!

It’s episode five and we’re already repeating ourselves! Ian’s back and we delve a bit more into digital comics, The Walking Dead, and a bit more on the Prometheus trailer! Plus we discuss the new Marvel Augmented Reality, Mark Waid vs. Comixology,...

Part-Time Fanboy Podcast: Episode 4!

The Walking Dead Finale! Need we say more? Ian and Mark couldn’t make it for this one so Kristian ropes his friend Paul into joining the podcast! The greatest thing about this podcast is that Paul hasn’t even seen any of season two! He just watched the...


Well, here we go! This is one of the reasons I haven’t been posting lately, among others. I’ve gathered a couple of friends together and we’ve made a podcast. I figured everyone else is doing it, why can’t we? In this particular recording we...