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tabcover2TABATHA # 2

Written by: Neil Gibson

Pencils, Inks, and Coloring by: Caspar Wijngaard

Lettered by: Jimmy Betancourt

Published by: T-Publications

Reviewed by: Paul Stephen Edwards

Tabatha issue 2 firmly plants its flag in Whedon-esque genre-referrential sci-fi horror.  It recaps the events of the first issue and introduces a new, valuable piece of information.  Fin is Luke’s older brother.  A flashback page reveals that Fin has always been protective of his younger brother.

A short sequence reveals that the killer Propmaster had interrogated Luke before he chopped off his hand and sent it to Fin.  Fin understandably freaks out and bursts into the hospital room where his girlfriend Baily and her brother Ty (the other members of the robbery gang) are visiting their sick mother.  Fin attempts to get a gun from a gun shop, but is stymied by the legalities of the gun selling process.  In frustration, he decides to go back to the house alone armed with only a tire iron.

This proves to be a very bad idea.

The second issue of this series greatly expands the relationship between Luke and Fin, who are very believable brothers.  Baily and Ty’s moment in the hospital gives us plenty of background as to how the robbery crew came together.  The Propmaster’s motives are becoming more clear, and the issue does a great job of raising the stakes for everyone.  Caspar Wijngaard’s art is becoming more cinematic with each issue.  There are some very nice uses of color and light gradients, and some interesting POV shots.

Neil Gibson gives his characters believable motivations and he’s developing a great sense of snappy banter.  The tone still swings between broad physical comedy and sadistic suspense.  The problems that I had with the sound effects and fonts from the first issue are greatly diminished.

Tabatha continues to be a great read.  I’m looking forward to the next issue.