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episode152-medThirty years ago, during the black and white comics explosion, comic creators Neil Vokes and Rich Rankin created their own independent comic called Eagle. Scripted by writer Jack Herman, Eagle found success in a sea of other indie comic releases before succumbing to the comics implosion of the mid-to-late eighties. Now these comic veterans are using Kickstarter to revitalize their creation. Kristian sits down with Neil Vokes and Jack Herman to discuss the Kickstarter campaign which they hope will bring Eagle back to the comic book reading world. Kristian asks them all about their time in the trenches of early eighties comic-dom, what they hope to achieve with the success of their Kickstarter campaign, and what the future holds for Eagle as well as some other ideas they’ve had percolating for a while. Sit back and enjoy a chat with two comic creators who are ready to rock the comic world with their g mystical sword fighting samurai on this episode of Part-Time Fanboy!

Part-Time Fanboy. Full-Time obsession on a Part-Time schedule.