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episode62-medWe’ve been away again for a bit but we have a good excuse! Kristian’s been having computer problems so he switched out his laptop’s hard drive! Now we’re ready to go again…or are we? Ian, Paul, and Kristian sit down to record the latest episode and…things go terribly wrong from there!

But fear not! All is not lost! The Part-Time Fanboy crew managed to pull it together and get a new podcast up for you…our loyal listeners!

We get started off railing against the new Robocop re-make trailer! Paul discovers what the spawn of Cronenberg can do with a script and a movie camera! Kristian’s seen Hollywoodland and has a lot to say about it! Ian and Kristian chat about some of the comics they’ve been reading! Everyone is puzzled by the Ironsides re-make! Paul visits Eli Roth’s Goretorium! Ian likes Riddick!

It’s a brand new episode and there’s lots to take in!

Part-Time Fanboy. Not New. Not Current. Always Opinionated.